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Books by Cynthia MacGregor

all books come in Paperback and E-Book

When strange events and coincidences occur surrounding Marie Erlig’s pregnancy, everyone but Marie is convinced she is bearing no or ordinary child but rather the Second Coming. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon to satisfy their own agendas and purposes, and Marie wonders if she can ever have a normal life again.

Here are all new bedtime stories including tall tales and other original stories suitable for tuck-in time. Soothe your kids and send them off to the Sandman with this delightful collection of unforgettable stories sure to engage them and relax them.

When a kidnapped boy is finally found and returned to his parents, it’s far from the end of the drama. He has bonded with his kidnapper, resents his parents and his new brother, and finds himself in the middle of a family that’s been totally torn apart.

Lullabyes, prayers, and poems for settle-down time. (You know the lullabye tunes already—the lullabyes are all set to familiar childhood songs.) There are prayers for you to say and prayers your child can say. And poems are always a nice change from stories. Ease your child to a soothing night’s sleep…and rest easy yourself.

Whether Nana lives around the corner or across the country, here are great ways for her to have special “Nana fun” with her grandkids. Here are games, recipes, real-life “Nana stories” (about you!), ways to keep in touch at a distance and ways to make the kids’ visits special. You don’t have to break your back playing horsie to make your time with your grandkids meaningful and special…for them and for you.

Which would you rather serve (or eat): Rewarmed, leftover roast chicken, or Casbah Chicken, rewarmed, leftover pork chops, or Ranchero Romero's Skillet Dinner? Here's a cornucopia of recipes for utilizing leftovers that will please your palate, help you keep from wasting food, and rescue you from boring dinners. Did you know you can even get creative with leftover hamburgers and hot dogs?!.

Baffled by culinary terms? Buffaloed when faced with cooking from a recipe? If you barely know your sink from your stove, here's all the help you need! Complete help for kitchen newbies in user-friendly terms and with a sense of humor...and including a trove of easy yet delicious recipes to impress your friends and please your own tastebuds. The perfect book for anyone who's out on their own for the first time, anyone who formerly depended on someone else to do the cooking and now has to handle it themselves, anyone who wants to stop depending on frozen foods and takeout, and learn to cook yum meals and be at ease in the kitchen. It isn't hard--and this book has a windfall of info just for you.

Books by Laurel A Rockefeller

all books come in 'interactive' Kindle and Paperback


Experience a "game of thrones" that is out of this world with the
Peers of Beinan Series.  Set in the exquisitely detailed Peers of
Beinan Universe and featuring interactive technology on most editions
and book formats, explore thought-provoking social issues while being
swept away into the adventures and exploits of Beinarian society.
Whether it's clean romance, political intrigue, or a thrilling
mystery, there is something for everyone and all ages.

And here's one for the Legendary Women of World History Series
(currently just Boudicca; planning on more books as soon as Princess
Anyu Returns finishes up):

History comes alive in the Legendary Women of World History Series.
Written to be enjoyed by all ages, you will meet some of the most
influential women in history as their stories unfold before you in
stunning detail supplied by primary source accounts and the best
information from the social sciences.


The Great Succession Crisis is a classic romantic tale rooted in my life-long love of medieval romances, especially Robin Hood and Arthurian legends.  It is filled with the innocence most of us all start with, but also infused with many of my own struggles to find myself as a teenager.  Added to this are details from the lives of English queens, especially Queen Elizabeth I.  Like her descendant and re-incarnation, Princess Anyu, Anlei struggles against her spiritual awakening and her heritage as the granddaughter of Her Grace, High Priestess Wehe.


It is a journey we all take as girls and women, one where life does not always offer us the best of choices.  But through these choices we grow, as she does, into our full potential.

Three generations after The Great Succession Crisis, terror ravages Beinarian cities as healing centers planet-wide fall to unseen assailants. Orphaned by two separate terrorist attacks, it falls to Lord Knight Elendir of house Ten-Ar to find the truth and stop the terrorists before they kill everyone he loves and the Gurun dynasty falls..

  • Presented uncut, uncensored, and unedited in their original rough draft forms, the Lost Tales offers a unique window into the world building process of the Anlei's Legacy Trilogy and the entire Peers of Beinan Series.

  • Features deleted and forgotten short stories, poetry, and chapters that did not make it into the final versions of books one through three of the Peers of Beinan series: The Great Succession Crisis, the Ghosts of the Past, and Princess Anyu Returns. 

  • Includes the environmental detective story, "Poisoned Ground" and its sequel, "The Healer Consort."

Why is The Morrígan's raven crying? Only Britons with hearts for true liberty know! 

In 43 CE Roman conquest of Britannia seems all but certain -- until a chance meeting between King Prasutagus of the Iceni and a runaway slave of royal decent from the Aedui tribe in Gaul changes the fate of the British islands forever. 

Rise up for liberty with the true story of Boudicca: Britain's Queen of the Iceni and discover one of the most inspiring stories in history! 

Books by Lorraine Carey


Lorraine Carey writes from a passion for the Paranormal with a twist of Historical Fiction and Urban Legends.


Her novels are written for middle grades to young adult. All novels come in Kindle or paper back.













Mysteries of the Red Coyote Inn, vol.1 is the first book in the Dean Banks series where a teen learns he has supernatural powers from a long ago Apache ancestor and is chosen to guard a sacred gold mine. Lots of Native American legends are brought to light here as Dean begins a battle against an evil force lurking out in the Superstition Mountains in Arizona.

Jonathan’s Locket is a spiritual paranormal set on Grand Cayman. It revolves around the Wreck of the Ten Sails in the 1700s and a young boy who goes down on one of the ships.It is rich with Caribbean urban legends that all ages are loving.

Out of the Ashes, Book 2 is the sequel and it is amped up with more action and magic.


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